About Us
South Dakota Wildland Fire has 10 separate but interdependent program functions. None of the program functions can stand-alone and still meet the responsibilities of the agency as defined by state law.
The 10 functional program areas are:
- Fire Suppression
- Prescribed Fire
- Wildland Fire Training
- Fire Aviation
- Fire Management
- Hazardous Fuels Mitigation
- Volunteer Fire Assistance
- Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) and Firefighter Property (FFP)
- Dispatch
- Fire Prevention
2024 Seasonal Picnic
VIPs: Governor Kristi Noem, DPS Secretary Robert Perry, and DPS Deputy Secretary Dan Lusk
2023 Seasonal Picnic
VIP: Governor Kristi Noem
VIPs: Governor Kristi Noem, Lt. Governor Larry Rhoden, DPS Secretary Craig Price, and DPS Deputy Secretary Dan Lusk
VIP: DPS Deputy Secretary Dan Lusk