Fire Prevention
Quick Links: Smokey Bear | National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) | Black Hills Fire Restrictions
Upcoming Events: Burn permits are available until March 31st each winter. Remember to 'Play it Cool' - don't ruin your reputation. Make sure all fires are completely extinguished before leaving the scene. Learn more about our upcoming coloring contest!
Check out our Wildfire Safety Arcade video!
Did you know?
Nearly 9 out of 10 wildfires are caused by people. It's always wildfire season somewhere in the United States and every region of the country has wildfires. Wildfires are one of the greatest threats to our nation's forests today. Wildfires know no boundaries and can happen on federal lands, state forests, and right outside your home. No matter where you are, it is essential to be aware of dry and hazardous conditions and always practice fire safety.
Tips on ways you can help prevent wildlfires:
Education and Awareness
- Teach Children: Utilize resources like Smokey Bear's website to educate kids about fire prevention.
Campfire Safety
- Follow Regulations: Use campfires only in designated areas within the Black Hills National Forest. On private lands, obtain necessary permits.
Extinguish Properly
- Always drown your campfire with water and stir untill all materials are cold to the touch.
Equipment and Vehicle Precautions
- Gas Lanterns and Grills: Be cautious with all ignaition sources.
- Vehicle Safety: Park in designated areas to avoid dry grass ignition. Keep exhaust systems cool.
- Machinery Care: Regularly clean equipment, lubricate bearings, and keep fire safety tools nearby.
- Welding and Cutting: Conduct these activities during low fire danger and have extinguishing agents ready.
Target Shooting Regulations
- Know the Rules: Familiarize yourself with local regulations, especially during dry conditions. Avoid using certain types of ammunition that can spark fires.
Fireworks and Sky Lanters
- Use Caution: Follow local laws regarding fireworks, especially around the Fourth of July. Remember, they are prohibited in many areas including the Black Hills Forest Fire Protection District.
- Sky Lanterns: Use them cautiously and check local ordinances before launching.
Reporting and Response
- Report Fires: Immediately notify authorities if you see smoke or fire. Remind children not to attempt to extinguish fires themselves.
By following these guidelines and being mindful of fire safety, we can all help prevent wildfires and protect our natural environments.
Fire Restrictions:
Know before you go! If your vacation will take you outdoors, check the Black Hills Fire Restrictions website for the most up-to-date information on fire restrictions.
Fire Investigation and Fire Trespass:
South Dakota Wildland Fire (SDWF) Overview
- Mandate: Invstigate wildfire origins and causes on state and private lands, and to inform prevention strategies.
- Cost Recovery: Authority to bill causal agents for fire suppression expenses.
- Finaincial Impact: Even small fires can cost thousands; larger fires can reach millions, not including property and life losses.
- Prevention Focus: Most human-caused wildfires are preventable. Be aware of the consequences and take action to prevent wildfires.
For more information contact:
Amanda Sage-Morris
Fire Prevention Specialist
3305 West South Street
Rapid City, SD 57702
Call 911 to report a smoke or fire sighting.