To open a task book, the Fire Department Chief or Training Coordinator of the Volunteer Fire Department needs to send an email to the SDWF Training and Aviation Program Manager to request that a task book be opened. Things that need to be included in the request:
Department name
Firefighter full name (First, Middle, Last)
Phone Number for Department or Contact
Task Book/Position Requested
Mailing Address for Task Book to be returned
Things to consider prior to request:
- Does the firefighter have the required training completed (see the PMS 310-1)?
- Does the firefighter have more than three open task books? If so, is the new task book being requested in a different functional area?
- Only three task books can be open in one functional area (Plans, Operations, Finance, Logistics, Command, Aviation, etc.) at a time. However, more than three
task books can be open if they are in different functional areas. - Is it the next task book in succession?
- Does the firefighter have the time available to complete the task book within the 3 year period?
Please review the SDWF Task Book Guidelines for task book information.
Do and Don'ts:
- Never give your task book to anyone. If you need to leave a task book for signatures, make a copy and attach with the original when you get it back. Or we prefer that you make time to have tasks completed/signed off prior to leaving the incident and keep the original book with you.
- Consider making a copy of your task book as you get signatures in the book. Keep a copy in a safe place while working on the task book, lost task books are NOT going to be considered, NO exceptions!
- When putting signatures in a task book as the evaluator, you can only fill it out for one position at a time.
- Example: FFT1/ICT5- A firefighter can only fill one position at a time, if they are a FFT1 trainee, they can only work on tasks relevant to the FFT1 position, not ICT5. If they are working as an ICT5, they can only have tasks for that position completed.
- You need to have more than one evaluator in your task book. If you work on an incident for more than one shift, you can have multiple evaluators; but a shift does not mean multiple hours. You may work for one evaluator per worked shift (8+ hours). That doesn't mean you find someone different for every day of a 14 day event though. All evaluations are looked at closely to see if they are truly relevant to completion of the task book. A good rule of thumb is no more than two evaluators per assignment.
- We would like to see at least two different assignments in your task book; to include at least one assignment out of your Initial Attack area if possible. If you are going to do task books, you are going to have to put some time and effort into them.
- IQSweb is updated when task books go through SDWF Training Office. Copies of cover page are attached to firefighter IQS records when book is initiated. Completed task book certification pages will be attached when certification is completed.
Submitting a Task Book:
When you think your task book is ready for submittal please send a copy (or the original if you prefer) to the SDWF Training and Aviation Program Manager at 3305 W South St, Rapid City, SD 57702. The task book committee meets at least once a month to go through task books and make determinations on their certifications. Once this is done, you will be notified by the SDWF Training and Aviation Program Manager as to the status of your task book (certified or further action needed).
Contact Tamara Dierks, SDWF Training and Aviation Program Manager for more information at 605-393-4229.